Armour of God Sunday School Lesson - Shield of Faith

 The Armour of God Sunday School Series - Shield of Faith 

We start of our series on the armour of God with arguably the most important one... The shield of faith! In Ephesians 6 we hear about the importance of putting the armour of God on every single day, so this is key to teach our young people to equip them for their daily lives. 

Focus - This lesson focuses on the importance of having faith in God. By the end the children will understand that our faith is like a shield that protects us from doubts and fears.


I always love to start my Sunday School Lessons with a movement game to get all of those beans out! and this is one of my favourites... All you need is an umbrella and lots of soft play plastic balls.
The aim of this game is to get from one side of the room to the other... seems simple, however, one child will need to be blindfolded and their partner will have to be guiding them. To make it even more challenging the rest of the children will be lined up along the wall equipped with plastic soft play balls! Their job is to throw them at the blindfolded child. Give the partner an umbrella as a shield to protect our blind child from the oncoming balls. If they manage to get to the other side of the room without being hit, they win!

After this game, talk with the children about how good... or bad the umbrella was as a shield. This is where you introduce the idea that Jesus gives us a shield of faith to protect us and it is far better than an umbrella!

Bible Reading 

Read Ephesians 6:10-18
Ask the children why we might need a shield? what kind of things do we need to be protected from? Focus on the things in life that make us feel sad, whether that is people making fun of them for what they believe in, and reassure the children that Jesus has given us a shield to protect us from those things. 
Play this armour of God video to help the children understand...


We love a craft in our Sunday school class and it is a great way to consolidate what the children have learnt and have excellent conversations with the children to answer any questions they may have.

For this craft you will need: Cardboard, tinfoil, glue

First thing the children will need to do is cut their cardboard into a shield shape... I would let the kids be creative with the shape and size of their shield however if you want your army to be uniform that is up to you!

Sunday School Lesson on the shield of faith. armour of God sunday school lesson series of activities, games, crafts and more
Once cut, use the blue and tinfoil to cover the front of your shield to make it nice and shiny. You could add some further decorations with some gems/tissuepaper... let the kids be creative!

The final step is to add the straps. Use thin strips of cardboard and stick them to the back of the shield as in the photo. Make sure their arms fit under the bump so they can effectively wear their shield.

Sunday School Lesson on the shield of faith. armour of God sunday school lesson series of activities, games, crafts and more

And now they should have their final shield craft finished!

Finishing Song

Play this song to the children as they march out, remind them that they are strong warriors equipped by God for everything that they might face!


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